Sunday, November 24, 2013

#define logging class for C++

The intent of this class is to lookup the identifier (the GET_USER_DATA part) by the token string (the value the text part gets converted to).

So if you have:

#define                        GET_USER_DATA      0x1FD02000

Given, “0x1FD02000”, I need to find “GET_USER_DATA”.  I tried to find some elegant want to do this, but there simply is not any possible way to do this.  The compiler replaces those identifiers at compile time.  And the information is simply not in the finished program. 

I wanted to do this to assist in debugging a multi-part networked application, for which I was not the original author.  The various application servers send data packets back and forth with the message type as the first DWORD in the packet.  I printed out the “dwMsgId” hex values from the packets, each of which corresponded to some identifier in the messages.h file, but there were so many message types that I couldn’t remember them all.  So I had to constantly keep doing searches on the Hex values to look them up and see what I was looking at.  So I tried to find some more readable way of logging these values.

One easiest solution is something like this:

switch (dwMsgId) {
   case GET_USER_DATA:
      strcpy (cText, "GET_USER_DATA");
      strcpy (cText, "NOTIFY_USER_LOG");

But you can't swap that in and out easily between the debug and release versions, and it's just generally messy when you start talking about 80+ message types.  So instead, I decided to make a map based logging class.  And I figured I'd write a perl script to parse the message.h file to get the #defines and format them to fit the map class.  With that method, we get a call in the target application that looks something like:

            wsprintf (cHex, "0X%.8X", * dwMsgId);
            cText = m_pLogXSock->getText(cHex);
            wsprintf(cLogMsg, "Message Received (0x%.8X) : %s", dwMsgId, cText );

Using this, we can set the value "_DEBUG_XSOCKET" in the preprocessor directives for the debug version of the project so the block gets automatically swapped in and out depending on the build type.

The actual class to support this follows.  Because the program I was trying to debub is an old-school C program, it uses character pointers for everything rather than std::string.  The std::map class does not support arguments of type *char by default.  So I defined a custom comparison function.  One thing to note here is that I tried to use the "unordered_map" library first.  I didn't really check it that closely, and I started getting a weird linker error about something to do with a single argument function. I then recreated this class using std::string.  But that didn't fix the problem.  So finally I broke down and read through the MSDN docs on the function.  The unordered_map library does not support customer comparison functions (i.e. <map> and <unordered_map> have different signatures).  So in the end, I went with the <map> version and swapped this back to the *char version.

The map class "find()" function either returns an iterator to the target entry, or it sends back something that is effectively an invalid pointer.  If you try and access a nonexistent entry with "whatever = it->second", it will compile fine, but it will throw an exception and crash your program when you try and use it.  So you have to compare the returned value to "tMap.end()" before you try and use it to access anything.

#if !defined(AFX_LOGXSOCK_H)

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Messages.h"
#include <map>

class CLogXSock 
       char * cGetValue(char * cXkey);    
       virtual ~CLogXSock();

       char * cEmpty;

       struct cmp_str : std::binary_function<char *, char *, bool> {
        bool operator() (char *a, char *b)  {
           return std::strcmp(a, b) < 0;

    std::map<char *, char *, cmp_str> tMap;
    std::map<char *, char *, cmp_str>::iterator it;

#endif // !defined(AFX_LOGXSOCK_H)

#include "LogXSock.h"

       tMap["0X1DF00013"] = "MSGID_SERVERSTOCKMSG";
       tMap["0X1DF4D009"] = "MSGID_ITEMCREATE";
       tMap["0X1DF10002"] = "MSGID_SERVERALIVE";

       cEmpty = new char[2];
       strcpy(cEmpty, "");

char * CLogXSock::cGetValue (char * cXkey) {
       it = tMap.find(cXkey);
       if (it != tMap.end()) {
       } else {
              return (cEmpty);



And lastly, here is the perl script I used to find the defines and pull out the values:

use File::Basename;
#use Switch;
$outputFile = "map_defines.txt";
$open = "UPDATE country SET country_code = '";
$middle = "' WHERE  country_name = '";
$end = "';";
$num_args = $#ARGV + 1;

$scriptName = fileparse($0, ".pl"); #get the base name of the calling script

if ($ARGV[0] eq "-h" or $ARGV[0] eq "--h") {

  print"This script ingests a country_code file and writes it out'\n";
  print"usage: $ input.txt\n";
  print"usage: $ input.txt output.txt\n";

if ($num_args < 1) {
   die ("Must pass the input file as the first argument.  You passed nothing.\nTry 'perl $ -h' for help.\nExiting...\n");
if ($num_args > 0) {
  $inputFile = $ARGV[0];
if ($num_args > 1) {
  $outputFile = $ARGV[1];
open INFILE, "$inputFile" or die "Failed to open inputFile $inputFile; Exiting...\n";
open OUTFILE, ">$outputFile" or die "Failed to open outputFile $outputFile for writing; Exiting...\n";

while ($line = <INFILE>) {
   chomp ($line);
   @split = split(/\s+/,$line);
   $define = $split[0];
   if ($define eq "#define") {
       $name = $split[1];
       $value = $split[2];
       $length = @split;
        print (OUTFILE "tMap[\"".uc($value)."\"] = \"" . uc($name) . "\";\n");
close (INFILE);
close (OUTFILE);

Run the perl script as:

perl   targetDefineFile.h outputFile.txt

Then copy the results from "outputFile.txt" and paste them into the constructor for LogXSock.cpp.

In practical application, I moved the logging into the class as well so that it reduces the footprint in the target application.  But I've found that tends not to be very portable.  So this remains the base class for this type of logging functionality.  If you use strings instead of chars, then you can just use the built in comparison functionality rather than a custom comparison function, and you can use <unordered_map> which is faster.  We don't need any type of sorting in this application, but I'm guessing, and it is a guess, that the std::map using the target application’s native *char arguments is going to be faster than a std::string based function where we have to translate back and forth, but where we can use <unordered_map> rather than <map>.  But regardless, I also have a string based version of this in my toolbox as well.

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